About Us

Meet the Instructors

Mauricio Mendoza is the founder of CDL America Inc. Mauricio has been a CDL driver for over 30+ years and a successful instructor spanning over 20 years. He comes from generations of semi truckers and was taught how to drive back in Mexico.

Abelardo Rodriguez has been a CDL driver for different companies, including Port to Port Inc, for 18 years. Today he is an instructor working alongside Mauricio.

Gerardo Prado has been an instructor at CDL America Inc for many years. He enhances student knowledge at yard (Pre-Trip, Skills, Road).

Mauricio Prado CDL Instructor. He enhances student knowledge in the classroom and at the yard (Pre-Trip, Skills, Road). He is also CDL America Inc’s videographer.

Juan Brambila CDL Instructor with more than 15+ years of experience. He enhances student knowledge at yard and on the road (Pre-Trip, Skills, Road).

Chariza Palacios Front Office Administrator. Chariza deals with student relations on a daily basis. Chariza specializes in various subjects ranging from student development in the classroom to technological development.

Danny Sotelo CDL instructor. He enhances student knowledge not only in the classroom, but at the yard (Pre-Trip, Skills, Road).

Francisco De Leon CDL Instructor. He enhances student knowledge in the classroom and at the yard (Pre-Trip, Skills, Road).

Danielle Gage The CDL Instructor helps students strengthen their understanding both in the classroom and on the training grounds, covering Pre-Trip, Skills, and Road training.

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule your orientation today, free of charge! The orientation will consist of an in-person appointment (Approx. 10-15 minutes). We will answer any questions you have about the school Pricing, Programs, School times/days , Permit class, obtaining a permit, etc.