Hands-On Straight Line
2025 Graduates
Click on one of our social media’s to see graduate pictures
2024 Graduates
Click on one of our social media’s to see graduate pictures
2023 Graduates
Click on one of our social media’s to see more graduate pictures, from 2023
2022 Graduates
2021 Graduates

Call Today
Begin your journey in obtaining your CDL today. Ask us about the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) to see if you qualify for a free course..
Schedule an Appointment
Schedule your orientation today, free of charge! The orientation will consist of an in-person appointment (Approx. 10-15 minutes). We will answer any questions you have about the school Pricing, Programs, School times/days , Permit class, obtaining a permit, etc.
Schedule an Appointment
Schedule your orientation today, free of charge! The orientation will consist of an in-person appointment (Approx. 10-15 minutes). We will answer any questions you have about the school Pricing, Programs, School times/days , Permit class, obtaining a permit, etc.